Cristian Villavicencio

Garden Exercises (Haptic/Visual Identities). Video HD, 7 min. Bilbao - Toronto - Quito - 2017

Proyecto participante en la exposición colectiva “Bosques (humedos) Tropicales”, curado por Anamaría Garzón Mantilla en galeria Khôra, Quito - Ecuador (8 de Abril al 4 de Mayo de 2017)

Garden Exercises (Haptic/Visual Identities) es un proyecto que indaga sobre el concepto de “visualidad digital” a través de un sistema de filmación no convencional. El proceso de grabación deriva en un sistema colaborativo, relacional y háptico. Los prototipos DIY que usamos están basadas en tecnología inestable y que contiene errores. El dispositivo de filmación conecta cuatro cámaras simultáneas que los performers usamos para realizar “macro imágenes”. Esta obra es una forma de meditación sobre el concepto de “medio” y sobre la posibilidad del gesto háptico en un sistema dominado por la visualidad. Esta manera de filmar puede ser vista como una práctica “minor art”, en la que las herramientas, los materiales, la acción y sus efectos son un intento de gesto subversivo en nuestra cotidianidad digital.

We woke up at 6 am. The sun was almost up, the best time to film, since the light of the Andes was not yet too strong. The plants started to reveal their secrets.  Smells of the night were vanishing. The avocados on the grass were rotting though.  Can you film the smell? The shoes were getting a bit wet. Was there rain during the night?  The blue sky above us is so striking and distracting. The plants however call us. Call for us to be filmed. Their meaty leaves, layered pinky petals, glassy rose red chalices await to be caressed by the sun and by the watchful cameras attached to our hands. We are engaged in a weird pantomime, moving our hands around the flowers, alongside trunks of trees, almost touching the green skin of the stalks. Is this the best angle? Is there enough light? Oh, I just saw an ant, do you think it got recorded? Was my camera on?  The cameras are back on! Maybe we should look into the compost? What about these rotting avocados? This pomegranate looks really interesting, maybe it can be filmed from this side? Is there enough light? Let’s really try to film the compost. We are sneaking between the trees towards the end of the garden. Don’t go too fast because my camera will fall out of my hand. We are connected by very long cables, flat white snakes ending with plastic chalices. We have to mimic a bit each other’s stroll to not disconnect from the main power source.  Shadows are getting shorter. Soon the sun might get too strong. We should be wrapping this up. No compost then...

Garden Exercises (Haptic/Visual Identities). Texto en Poster. Bilbao - Toronto - Quito, 2017